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Spreadsheet for Ebay / Advice

  1. #1
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    Spreadsheet for Ebay / Advice

    Hi Guys i will try to keep this short. I am looking for anybody that has a Spreadsheet used for selling on Ebay. I have seen some entries and i have seen some for sale but they are all in $ and i am in the UK. I know i could alter them but i feel a little uneasy buying a spreadsheet that i have to alter to fit UK fees and the cosmetic looks. Also i have found these sheets are often locked.

    There must be somebody who has done one for the UK or am i in the wrong Forums???

    Just looking for some help in the matter or advice cheers guys


  2. #2
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    Re: Spreadsheet for Ebay / Advice

    Why are you BUYING an excel spreadsheet instead of just making one to fit your needs?
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  3. #3
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    Re: Spreadsheet for Ebay / Advice

    Hi Mike

    I am not going to buy one due to the reasons mentioned. But i am no Excel Guru and some of the sheets i have seen have been well designed what bit i have seen of them.

    I was only looking at the paid root v my novice time creating one.

    I am generally ok at basic Excel but i didn’t want to spend weeks creating one, only to find months later i had missed some critical items.
    Which would mean me re building it and re populating it. I am not a lazy person but i do not believe in reinventing a basic wheel when others have a alloy wheel already running.

    If it was possible for me to see a full designed one then create one i would be happy to do that.
    As i know there is always plenty of help on here and other forums.


  4. #4
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    Re: Spreadsheet for Ebay / Advice


    Well I am not really sure what you are asking for, and I would imagine I am not the only one considering I was the only response to your post. If you want help from the forum it helps to have specific questions then we offer advice on. If you are asking for some hypothetical spreadsheet where the data housed, calculations performed and layout are all within your head then we can't offer any help.

  5. #5
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    Re: Spreadsheet for Ebay / Advice

    I hit send too soon... lol

    There is no reason you can't build your own template since Excel is EXTREMELY user friendly for this sort of thing. Furthermore, I would not be worried about building something this simple thinking that you might get pigeon holed as your needs change for the template, because it is also very easy to modify an existing template.

    My advice: start by deciding what you want in the template. Mock something up and build it one step at a time. If you hit roadblocks, ask for some help. If you prefer, you can grab something someone else has already started then modify to your needs.

  6. #6
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    Re: Spreadsheet for Ebay / Advice

    Hi Mike

    I was looking at something like this as you can see it is very extensive.
    It does what i need but is like i said very fixed on the market it was designed for $.

    You can see it in action here on Youtube

    He says he has done VBA , Advanced Macros and Complex Formulas not sure if he has but looks very good.

    I would love to make one like this but as you can see $14 against me spending weeks to build it.
    I know if i build it i get the satisfaction but not sure i have the required skills

    But would like to try if i had some guidance

    Thoughts please

    Last edited by thorrrr; 09-13-2013 at 11:35 AM.

  7. #7
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    Re: Spreadsheet for Ebay / Advice

    Hi thorrrr,

    I have attached a very basic spreadsheet that I did for another thread (Calculating retail price.
    I have made a couple of adjustments since then.
    It may not be what you are looking for but it may give you a start.
    In column A you could add Data Validation so you would have a drop-down list of what you sell.
    Also, adding VLOOKUP in column B it would automatically show the price of the item chosen in column A.
    "All" that's left for you to do is decide how much profit you want make!
    If I can help any further please let me know.


    Attached Files Attached Files

  8. #8
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    Re: Spreadsheet for Ebay / Advice

    Hi thorrrr,

    I didn't update the formulas when I added more rows.
    The formula in D29 should be =AVERAGE(D6:D27), and
    The formula in J29 should be =AVERAGE(J6:J27).



  9. #9
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    Re: Spreadsheet for Ebay / Advice

    Hi Peter

    Cheers for your help in the matter i am leaning more towards a Access DB solution in the long run.


  10. #10
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    Re: Spreadsheet for Ebay / Advice

    So you are not comfortable with Excel and you want an Access+Excel solution?
    How much data are you expecting to use?

    I still heavily lean towards you creating your own Excel file with the help of the board since THAT will be the most simple long term solution for you.

  11. #11
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    Re: Spreadsheet for Ebay / Advice

    Hi Mike

    Need to record the following items and avoid duplication

    I visit trade retailers weekly and record date , stock item price and track it over several weeks / months
    I want to record stock i have purchased
    I want to record stock i have Actively Listed on my Ebay , Amazon and my own Website (when i finished building it)
    I have a Excel sheet i use for market research
    I have a Excel sheet for stock control another for Listings on Ebay / Amazon
    I have a sheet for stock dimensions weight shipping Basic , Shipping Express Shipping International.
    Sale Sheet
    Expenses Sheet
    TAx / Vat Sheet.

    Doing all this in Excel i think will look messy but you may have an opposite view .

    The data expands daily


  12. #12
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    Re: Spreadsheet for Ebay / Advice

    Expanding data daily does not answer my question. HOW much data are you talking about?

    So the data size is not what would make something look messy (since you clearly think that another solution is not messy but contains the EXACT same amount of data). Looking messy is typically because someone didn't think far enough ahead to make the data normalized.

    I have complicated models in excel with 12,000,000 rows of data (and 210 columns!)(powerpivot) but it still runs fine and I keep it as simple as possible ANNNNNDDDDDD I can do super fast analysis with pivot tables and such. Could it be better if included in a real database, probably, but is it messy or difficult to follow...? not at all

    Nonetheless I cant offer any more advice as the information you have given is simply inadequate for offering any *different* advice than I already have. If you have any specific questions, let us know and we will be glad to help.
    Last edited by mikeTRON; 09-20-2013 at 11:15 AM.

  13. #13
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    Re: Spreadsheet for Ebay / Advice

    Hi Mike

    Not 12 000 000 that’s for sure

    I guess 50 to 500 items a month to be honest.

    I want to do several things i visit a local Costco maybe 3 times a week and track prices of items to see the price trends. So i need to be able to do that

    I buy stock from Costco to sell on Ebay / Amazon so i need details about the product

    Product Code
    Product Type
    Units Bought
    Basic Price
    Total Price

    I need a Product Research sheet where i scour the Ebay / Amazon to see what these products are selling for. On here i list Prices then My suggested Price whichh includee Ebay Fees , Paypal Fees , Shipping Economy , Shipping Express and International Shipping with a Profit Costs re Supplies and Petrol

    Ebay / Amazon Sheet Active Listing Sheet

    Need a Sales and something that works out my values Price Paid , Business Costs, Sales , Tax VAT Profit

    I have started a sheet but it not finished and needs adding to.


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