Hi guys, I just wanted to get some advice on how I could do this. I need to create a form, and the form will have the inputs
I come from an Object Orientated background so I would consider that when the data is entered and submit is pushed, an Object is created. So this part is easy enough, but then I need to take this data and pre-populate a calendar type table.
The table will be a collapsible type table, and the simplest form the initial table will look like
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Advertising £1453 £1453 £1453 £1453 £1453 £1453 £1453 £1453 £1453 £1453 £1453 £1453 Electricity £80 £80 £80 £140 £80 £140 £140 £80 £80 £80 £80 £80 Wages £22,343 £22,343 £27,343 £22,343 £22,343 £34,343 £22,343 £29,343 £22,343 £22,343 £34,343 £22,343 Marketing £600 £600 £600 £600 £1200 £1200 £1200 £600 £600 £600 £600 £600
The titles down the left, Advertising, Electricity, Wages, Marketing come from the form input Category. These are the main categories which will selected from a drop down menu. The money comes from all objects under that category for that month, added together. When you click on a category, it should expand and display the Name, Group, Date and individual cost of each object. So if you create 12 objects under the category Advertising, when you click on it in the table, it will display 12 rows of data.
So doing the form is simple. I am really looking for advice on how to map this into the table and how to make everything collapsible. Any advice is appreciated, I am not to sure how to start on this part.
p.s. sorry for the bad title, I have changed it to make it more appropriate.