I have never tried to convert excel files to PDF before. But I have to admit that using a 3rd party tool whose way of processing is simple and fast can save a lot of time for us. I am almost a green hand on PDF converting work. I have only tried the free trial package of an image and document conversion tool to convert documents and do each step according to its convesion tutorials about how to convert document and image using C#.NET. It is just one of many but I do appreciate it because it is totally manual. Even though I only tried its free trial package to convert images and didn′t check the cost and licensing conditions, it worked great for me. Share with you. And here are some CODE I used to convert documents and images, I hope it helps:
using System.IO;
using System.Drawing.Printing;
using Yiigo.Imaging;
using Yiigo.Imaging.Processing;
using Yiigo.Imaging.Conversion;

// Write conversion function to document image applications
private void Conversion(string inFile, string outFile, ImageEncoder encoder)
      using (ImageSource src = new FileSystemImageSource(inFile, true))
         using (Stream s = File.OpenWrite(outFile))
            encoder.Save(s, src, null);

// Convert file formats, for example
Conversion(1.png, 1.gif, new GIFEncoder());

// Batch Conversion, for example
BatchConversion(1.png, 1.gif, new GIFBatchEncoder());
BatchConversion(2.png, 2.gif, new GIFBatchEncoder());
BatchConversion(3.png, 3.gif, new GIFBatchEncoder());
BatchConversion(4.png, 4.gif, new GIFBatchEncoder());
You can also google some professional converter tools to help you. And I hope you success. Good luck.

All the best,