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How to re-adjust the table for easy Pivot table reporting??

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Excel 2007

    Question How to re-adjust the table for easy Pivot table reporting??

    Bro, I'm facing big problem to adjust whole table format (Manual) into raw data then only can proceed for pivot table,

    Basically I need to insert Month column, mean manually inserting 12 lines and readjust whole data....

    is there any shortcut to adjust it????

    1 Fish Australia
    2 horse Germany

    Modify to following.....
    1 Fish Australia JAN
    1 Fish Australia FEB
    1 Fish Australia MAR
    1 Fish Australia APR
    1 Fish Australia MAY
    1 Fish Australia JUN
    2 horse Germany JAN
    2 horse Germany FEB
    2 horse Germany MAR
    2 horse Germany APR
    2 horse Germany MAY
    2 horse Germany JUN

  2. #2
    Valued Forum Contributor
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    Re: How to re-adjust the table for easy Pivot table reporting??

    Assume the source data as posted is in Sheet1,
    in cols A to I, col headers in row1, data running in row2 down

    In another sheet, place:
    In A2: =OFFSET(Sheet1!$A$2,INT((ROWS($1:1)-1)/6),)
    In B2: =OFFSET(Sheet1!$B$2,INT((ROWS($1:1)-1)/6),)
    In C2: =OFFSET(Sheet1!$C$2,INT((ROWS($1:1)-1)/6),)
    In D2: =INDEX(Sheet1!$D$1:$I$1,MOD(ROWS($1:1)-1,6)+1)
    In E2: =OFFSET(Sheet1!$D$2,INT((ROWS($1:1)-1)/6),MOD(ROWS($1:1)-1,6))
    Copy A2:E2 down as far as required to exhaust the source data, and that should return the exact transformed results that you seek. Modify the "6" in all the formulae to suit the number of "Month" cols that's in the source. For the formula in D2, modify also this part: INDEX(Sheet1!$D$1:$I$1,... to suit the range of the "Month" headers in the source.
    Success? Celebrate it, click the little star at the bottom left of my responses
    Last edited by Max, Singapore; 08-27-2013 at 05:10 AM.

  3. #3
    Registered User
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    Re: How to re-adjust the table for easy Pivot table reporting??

    Thanks..... God like...it works as what I want...

    But I have no ideas on the formula you have set.

    I can't create the formula by my own for next times.....

    Is there any simple way just copy and paste or some simple click??? I can't reach your standard at the moments...

  4. #4
    Valued Forum Contributor
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    Re: How to re-adjust the table for easy Pivot table reporting??

    Glad it works for you, and do take a moment to click the little star at the bottom left of my response

    As for your trailing comments .... well, I did include some easy formulae modification steps in the response that you could do to cross apply the technique to other source situations. And you could always copy the entire response and just keep it handy somewhere as part of your skills kit for future reference and re-use. There is no simpler way to do the required data transform that I know of.

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