When I copy or cut, I usually get a dashed border around the cells I have copied (or cut), I can then right-click somewhere to paste, but at some point in time recently this functionality has stopped working. The format painter doesn't work either - the paintbrush icon stays pressed for about half a second, then just goes away and I can't paste my formatting.

An operation I often do in excel is to copy a date from one cell, then highlight a few cells elsewhere and press enter to paste the date into them. I also like to right click on a row and Cut, then past it further down my list to re-order things, but this won't work either.

I don't know what I've done to make it go away. If I restart my computer and open a workbook, then I can copy/paste at least once (maybe a few times) then it stops again.

I've read umpteen threads that suggest this is caused by a Skype 'click to call' function, but I don't have that installed here. I have actually just tried installing it, so I could run through the un-install (thinking there might be debris from something previously), but it made no difference.