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Compare two columns - If the text of one column is present in the other column

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    Compare two columns - If the text of one column is present in the other column


    I need a formula to compare two columns from different tables:
    Table 1 has a column (C) with a description and table 2 has a column with a keyword (A) and another column with a type (B).
    I need to compare if the keyword from table 2 is present in the description of table 1 and if so return the keyword and the type in another column.


    Table 1

    Column C (Description)
    Apple Pie
    Orange Juice
    Sony TV
    Sony Laptop

    Table 2

    Column A (Keywords) -------- Column B (Type)
    Apple ------------------------- Food
    Orange ------------------------Food
    Sony --------------------------Eletronics

    Result on table 1

    Column C (Description) -----Column D (Keyword) ----Column E (Type)
    Apple Pie -------------------- Apple ---------------------- Food
    Orange Juice-------------------Orange ------------------- Food
    Sony TV ---------------------- Sony --------------------- Eletronics
    Sony Laptop ------------------Sony --------------------- Eletronics

    Last edited by paulocintra; 08-14-2013 at 10:40 PM.

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