I have a table which is linked to an SQL database and I have extended the table to include 2 columns which has some formulas that do things with that SQL data. The table refreshes the data every minute however I am finding that upon refreshing the data the formulas in those 2 additional columns I created are not updating on all the rows of the table. When a new row is added to the table upon refresh sometimes the formula isn't copying down to that cell. So what I need to do is go to a cell towards the top of the column which does have a formula and press enter and then I click the "Overwrite all cells in this column with this formula" button and then the formulas copy down all the cells again.

I don't know what's going on as I have other tables on the sheet doing a similar operation and they appear to be fine. Do you have any idea what might be going on? Thanks so much in advance for your help!