Is it possible to do a find and replace based on fill colours?
Is it possible to do a find and replace based on fill colours?
Yes!! But using VBA.
What exactly do you require?
Deep Dave
Unless the colors are a result of Conditional Formatting, and those rules can be used in the F/R, then short answer - not with regular formulas.
Can you show some sample data?
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This is a sample payment sheet, the yellow boxes are the ones previously paid, the blue are the ones that are paid this month, so every new month I have to start by changing all the blue cells from the previous month to yellow.
I just wondered if there was an easier way to do it.
Follow these steps -
Ctrl + H >> Options >> Format Button In Front of Find What >> Chose Format From Cell >> Click on the Blue Color >> Format Button In Front of Replace With>> Chose Format From Cell >> Click on Yellow Color >. Replace All
Hope It Helps
Here, Chose Format From Cell is not mandatory. You can select the formatting too. However this is advisable as there might be some formatting which might not be visible always. Hence I prefer that.
Thank you very much
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