how can i extract all number values from a table column and list them on a separate worksheet?
there are blanks in the table column, which have to be omitted.
thank you for your help!
how can i extract all number values from a table column and list them on a separate worksheet?
there are blanks in the table column, which have to be omitted.
thank you for your help!
Consider if the A1 to C4 is table within Excel then there are some numbers are filled within this area and some are not filled.
And this information is available in Sheet1. Below my code will take the numbers and put in the Sheet2.
Dim rng as Range, i as integer Dim cell as Variant Set rng = Sheet1.Range("A1:C4") i=1 For each cell in rng If IsNumeric(Cell.Text) Then Sheet2.Range("A"& i) = Cell.Text i = i + 1 End if Next
it's actually more complicated: see attached file
i need to populate my list with the values (late payments) from table 1.
clients without any dues have to be omitted.
i have none of the formulas yet, but believe once the list contains the values/late payments, i can lookup the client, country and type.
thanks for any input!
I had few questions
* Do you want this in VBA or Functions
* So you want the list whatever is present in Table 1 into the other sheet in the same way.
* If the List in other sheet is available do you want this to be appended or check if the customers are present and add to Overdue amount
hi shyamhappy
- i'd prefer functions, cus i dont know VBA.
- yes, but without the blank rows, i.e. without the clients that have no amounts overdue. pls understand, the actual list is much longer!
- dont fully understand this last question: basically, the list should extract all clients with overdue amounts. unfortunately, it cant be done with pivots or regular filters, as you cannot apply multiple filters at once.
appreciate your help!
shyamhappy - here's a new approach:
in the attached sample sheet, the cells in red are my problem: the formula always shows the same client, instead of going down the table and looking for others that have late payments.
any ideas?
thank you!
Try this array formula in A3. Confirm with Ctrl+Shift+Enter not just Enter Before dragging Across and Down.
Last edited by Marcol; 08-12-2013 at 12:17 PM.
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Little bit more robust( in case you need to add rows) A3 drag down
Confirm Control+Shift+Enter
Drag down and accross
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A non array based solution that is easily expanded.
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thanks a lot guys! i could make it work with your formulas!
one more question:
on excel 2010, there seem to be issues with vlookup.
i am trying to use vlookup to match the clients in the list with the the client in the table and return client's country.
however: =VLOOKUP($A3;Table1;Table1[Country];FALSE) returns #N/A
(Table1 and obviously Table1[Country] are on a separate worksheet, but in the same workbook.
the tables are ranges converted to tables.
does anyone know of any issues?
Last edited by mischge; 08-13-2013 at 04:51 AM. Reason: added info
i tried that, but doesnt work. neither will a number for the column...
couldnt find anything on the web to explain this either...
also tried converting the table back to a range, but no success...
Could post your workbook?
Can you post a sample of your actual workbook,desensitised, so we can see the layout we are dealing with?
ok gents! attached file contains simplified sheets from my actual workbook.
on the 'S.O.S' tab, i need to extract the late paying companies and fill in the data to the right (i.e. late amounts).
no clue why the vlookup does not work...
thanks for your help! once again....
sorry guys, it works in the sample workbook, but not in my actual one...![]()
Try B3 down and accross
=IFERROR(VLOOKUP($A3,Table1,MATCH(B$2,Table1[[#Headers],[Client]:[Total Overdue]],0),FALSE),"")
thank you, but unfortunately no luck either... i dont think any of us is doing anything wrong. must be somewhere in the background...
Never give up..
Last edited by RobertMika; 08-14-2013 at 03:28 AM.
Here's Roberts' formula in your workbook.
If there is no match for the headers a blank column will be returned
cant get it to work in my workbook...
but found a work-around, which works:
(if i put Table1[Country] instead of "6", it again doesnt work. not sure what the issue is, but suspect it's something with the headers in the table???)
thanks a lot for your help!
To keep absolute reference to one column /row when using tables you have to use INDIRECT:
Drag that accross
Last edited by RobertMika; 08-14-2013 at 03:52 AM.
cool, thanks. good to know.
one more question:
how do you show the same client, who has 2 late payments, in 2 rows?
(essentially, the same client might be served by 2 desks, hence would need the distinction)
i am currently using an array funtion:
going to look at other forum posts now...
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