Hello I'm a new member here and hoping that some of youguys could help me solve my excel 2010 problem.
I would be very much appreciated since I have been trying to solve for hours!
I attached an example of my problem on this post.
Firstly, I pasted link from A1:B5 in sheet1 --> No. and Name in sheet1 are the main link /MUST be this way
pasted it to sheet2 A1:B5
Secondly, I link C2 in sheet1 =Sheet2!C2 --> Amount in sheet2 is the main link/MUST be this way
Then I FILTER both sheet and sort smallest to largest to run number from 1 to 4
Sheet1 data with name and amount comes out just fine, but when you look at sheet2, the amount won't match the name and remains at the same cell.
Are there any ways to make Name and Amount in sheet2 match??
Please help me solve this
Thank you very much for your time and your help![]()