I have a document that I have to copy and paste into an excel document from a .pdf.
It has numbered paragraphs.
When I copy and paste it, each line gets its own cell.
That means the paragraphs each start with a number and a title.
1. Title
whatever data content
second line of additional content
even more stuff.)
I need to sort this document into 3 columns:
A column with paragraph number.
A column with the title of the paragraph.
A column with the data.
It would generally end up like this:
|1. |Title|whatever data content second line of additional content even more stuff.|
The question is: is there a macro that already exist that I can tweak to make this happen? I am real new to macros, and uncertain how to do this. Any solution that will make this easier is acceptable- as long as it uses excel/office. I have over 1000 pages to sort this way.
I am attaching an excel with an example to explain further if needed. If there is already the same question (or substantially similar) asked and answered please show me the thread because I have not found it.