Dear All,

Hi, I'm new to the forum. I've read some related posts but I'm quite new to using Excel for tasks such as mine so I thought I would see if anyone was able to give me some help specific to my query.

On one sheet, I have a list of marketing events and I would like these to auto-populate a calendar on the following sheet, so it is possible to see which ones overlap and who can attend the events based on our schedules.

-the dates are in sheet one, in two columns (start date and end date), and where events are only one day the dates are listed as the same in these columns (dd/mm/yyyy)
-for each date all I need to be listed in the calendar is the event name, and the name of the person that would attend
-the very point of having this calendar is for the fact that some events we want to attend are at the same time, so each date would potentially need to be able to show more than one 'event' with the corresponding information
-I would like the calendar to show 7 days a week, beginning on Monday
-if at all possible, it would be really useful to colour code the events with a traffic light system (green=attending, yellow=maybe attending, red=not attending)

I would be really delighted if someone could help me on this one as I'm not sure where to start although I know it is possible.

I am using Excel 2003 for PC.

Many thanks in advance