Does anybody know why this happens.
Sometimes it happens when I am pulling in data from external sources.
I have only found this problem on Excel 2003 but I have no doubt its tentacles spread to newer versions.
Does anybody know why this happens.
Sometimes it happens when I am pulling in data from external sources.
I have only found this problem on Excel 2003 but I have no doubt its tentacles spread to newer versions.
The data is probably formatted as Text, but when you edit (F2 and Enter) you change it to a number which is then used in a formula.
Hope this helps.
check to see if you have calc's set to manual
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Thanks Pete... Is there any other way to do that without going through every single cell and performing the action... I find it extraordinary how many times I have done that, and I've only been in the job six months, thanks
You can enter the value 1 into a blank cell somewhere, select that cell and click on <copy>. Then move the cursor and select all the cells that you want to change, then right-click and choose Paste Special | Values | Multiply | OK and then press the <Esc> key. Then delete the 1 from the original cell.
Hope this helps.
Thanks Pete, sadly it didnt work this time though.. any other potential solutions?
highlight effected area
click on text to columns and press finish
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This helped a lot! Thanks!
"highlight effected area
click on text to columns and press finish
Last edited by Asatra; 04-29-2024 at 03:36 PM. Reason: Didnt include original post
Glad you found it helpful, although the thread was from 11 years ago !!
Perhaps post a small sample sheet You might have non printable characters coming from your external sources
Possible cleaning formula =TRIM(CLEAN(SUBSTITUTE(A1,CHAR(160)," ")))
Still no answer from you about the calculation mode - Whether it is in Automatic Or Manual? Whether you are talking about external link references or formula? Need some more details.
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Another thing to try:
Highlight all the affected cells, click on Data | Text-to-Columns and on the first panel just click Finish.
Hope this helps.
It is automatic. The formula are from a Bloomberg add in. This is the cell formula though I doubt it is of much help =BDP($B$14,$E22,$B$15,CC$14)
Thank you
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