I have used the merge facility to incoporate all the worksheets into one excel files. As they all have same heading, I have sorted the data, first by their account expiry time (oldest to newest) and then by manager (A-Z)

For example, system report generated on 15/03/2013, 28/03/2013, 03/04/2013, 15/05/2013, 28/05/2013 and so on and these are sheet names too. What I want is one worksheet called report with the same heading as my merged worksheets and return values where Column C in 28/03/2013 is compared to 15/03/2013 and if the employee ID matches than return the whole row of data for the report.

the next query would then be for finding employee ID in 03/04/2013 and comparing it with 28/03/2013 worksheet and returning the matched ID in report worksheet.

This is the layout of the report worksheet.

Display Name Employee ID Account Status E-mail Department Manager Comment
15/03/2013 to 28/03/2013
28/03/2013 to 03/04/2013
03/04/2013 to 15/05/2013
15/05/2013 to 28/05/2013

so for the above report worksheet, if employee id matches the two compared worksheet (15/03/2013 to 28/03/2013) return all value (Display name, employee id, account status, email, department, manager, comment) from the 28/03/2013 and so on.

if this can be achieved through formula then please suggest how and if through vba than please explain the code if possible as I woudn't understand without any comments.

Thank you.