Hi Everyone
Bit of an excel noob!
I have two spreadsheets, one of which i need to cross reference with the other to get missing information.
Is the a function to do the following
Sheet A contains 3 columns A1-A10, B1-B10, C1-C10
A1-A10 contains a list of company reference numbers whilst the other two display a break down of the area it relates too.
Sheet B
Only contains references in A1-A10. So is there a function i can use that automatically pulls the B1-B10, C1-C10 information from Sheet A based on the references listed in A1-A10.
So basically I need it to populate B1-B10, C1-C10 columns on sheet B if any references is contained on sheet A.
The sheet changes on a weekly basis so is time consuming to look up each reference so would be hand if there was an auto function. need this in a function - If Reference in Column A1/sheetB appears on sheetA A1/SheetA pull B1-B10, C1-C10 row from sheetA to SheetB
hope that makes sense!
And Many Thanks in advance!!!