Hello, all!

I'm in a project that is tracking employee performance. We have a master spreadsheet that lists several stats for each client an employee has, and what I'm trying to do is to create individual spreadsheets for each employee that shows them just their information. The master looks something like this:

Employee 1 ClientA info...
Employee 1 ClientB info...
Employee 1 ClientC info...
EMployee 2 ClientD info...
Employee 3 ClientE info...
Employee 3 ClientF info...

The individual spreadsheets would consist of only the rows that have to do only with one given employee and their clients. I have versions where I just cut-and-pasted everything, but it would be really nice to get the master sheet to automatically sort things. That way, any new clients would automatically be added to that employee's sheet. Kind of complicated. I think I could use the INDEX function to look up rows, but I'm not sure that's the most efficient way. Any ideas?