Hi Guys,
Can't get my head round this one.
I have three drop-down boxes in 3 adjacent columns. Column 1 is free-choice, Columns 2 and 3 drop-downs are variable dependent on what is in Column 1. That works fine.
I have an issue with over-type but I can solve that with protection. Again fine.
1. How do I make the user choose something i.e. not just leave the cell in column 2 or 3 blank by ignoring it (i.e. blank is an error but only after drop-down in column 1 is activated)
2. Also, if the user has completed the line (columns 1,2 and 3) and then changes column 1, columns 2 and 3 are now reading from the incorrect drop-down boxes (i.e. they are now in error but this is accepted and not flagged).
Cheers in advance.