I have a logfile from a automated test, that contains time-stamped entry's when each test starts.
The goal is to get the test name, and test timestamp into excel worksheet , so that I can then use excel to calculate the time each step is taking.
From the text logfile, I "awk'd" on the significantportion of the logfile lines, looking for the lines containing :
awk '/# <time/'
and exported the result to another text file.
I then pasted the text file into excel
Now the excel file consists of cells , all of the format similar to this :
# <time:17:15:40> ch8.1 CLOCK BITS clock verification #
# <time:17:16:17> ch8.2 CLOCK T1/E1 framer clock verification #
# <time:17:18:17> ch8.3 1588-FPGA,T1E1 framer,GE,SFP,10G phy recovery&GPS 10MHz clock verification #
# <time:17:22:07> ch8.4 BITS Diagnostic Test #
# <time:17:22:26> ch8.4 1PPS Diagnostic Test #
# <time:17:22:40> ch10 Load JIT tests config #
What I want to do from each of thoise cells is to extract into individual cells in columns to the right of each cell :
1) the time - for example 17:15:40
and then, less important, but good if possible :
2) the test name - for example ch8.1 CLOCK BITS clock verification
Any help appreciated !