I have a large excel spreadsheet containing a customers product history. All of the customers purchases are recorded in column N. See an example of the data contained in one of the cells below. I need to delete the skus for each product from the sheet. The skus all follow this format #a mixture of letters and numbers/number
I have tried using the find and replace function and entering the following #*/??1 but in some cases it removes large chunks of data instead of just the skus. Is there a formula to remove these all in one go?
Cell N3
1x #sperrinblkamb_dub/1964 Sperrin Shorts (Black/Amber) 26" 1x #1321_Dub/833 Premium Socks Black/Amber (Hoops) Large Mens 9-12 1x #sperrinblkamb_dub/1964 Sperrin Shorts (Black/Amber) 24"