I don't know what I've done, but I want it to go back to normal
I don't know what I've done, but I want it to go back to normal
Last edited by Loubidy; 05-28-2013 at 08:30 AM.
Just double click on the title bar or click on the box on the top right (between the _ and the x)
Regards, TMS
Trevor Shuttleworth - Retired Excel/VBA Consultant
I dream of a better world where chickens can cross the road without having their motives questioned
'Being unapologetic means never having to say you're sorry' John Cooper Clarke
Looks to me that you have clicked on the "restore" button - between the - and the X button. If you cant see the small square to click to restore, click on the bar where it shows the file name, and drag it to the left until you can see those buttons
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Sorry, does that not just change the size of the whole window? I'm referring to the actual spreadsheet itself has a bubble around it?
No. Just double click on the title bar in the "bubble".
Regards, TMS
nothing happens? it doesn't recognise my mouse as being anything clickable
ahh stressing this coursework is due tomorrow
Try: View | Arrange All | Tiled. Then click on the maximise icon (between the minimise (_) and close (x))
Regards, TMS
Ctrl + F10 (Maximize screen)
I'm confused? all that - and x is right in the top right corner of my screen, there is nothing like that on my bubble?
If it helps this is what I want it to come up like
spreadsheet display.jpg
not this
Can you see what I mean?
I suspect that you have unintentionally clicked on the Restore down icon (the box) and then dragged the workbook "bubble" off screen to the right so that the icons are not visible. If that's the case, Click on the "inner" title bar and drag to the left till you see the icons. Then click on the Maximise icon (the box).
Are you actually trying the things that have been suggested? gpato's Ctrl-F10 worked for me. But then I'm controlling restoring and maximising the window myself.
Regards, TMS
It doesn't seem to recognise the inner as being anything to click on
Anyone else got an idea?
upload your file here...as long as it doesnt contain sensitive data
To attach a file to your post,
click advanced (next to quick post),
scroll down until you see "manage file",
click that and select "add files" (top right corner).
click "select files" find your file, click "open" click "upload" click 'done" bottom right. click "submit reply"
Once the upload is completed the file name will appear below the input boxes in this window.
You can then close the window to return to the new post screen.
TASK 1 ITpt2.xlsm
this should work?
@FDibbins: I did think of asking for a sample file, but surely it will be a local display issue? If Excel is set, locally, to open with the workbook pane maximised, that's what you'll get.
Regards, TMS
Probably so, TrevorBut we have tried almost everything else, so I asked for the file to look at - else we will just keep guessing?
Yes, that's fair comment.![]()
I just find it strange that its only happening with one workbook not all?
sorry I am trying to upload but my computer isn't co-operating
MY VBA is poor, but I have a feeling the macro you have in that file is doing that...Trevor?
No, I don't think so. It's just a page setup macro. And it's not called automatically anywhere.
Totally bemused.
However, please see the "new" version attached.
Regards, TMS
Yeah has me stumped as well...had to close ALL other open W/B's before it would let me close this 1. What did you do, copy/paste to a new W/B?
No, I have not fixed it. I just copied all the sheets and the code module to a new workbook. I still have no idea what you have done or how to fix it.
I have asked for others to have a look at it in the Water Cooler forum
Regards, TMS
oh wow, you've fixed it! Thank-you
How did you do it? what had I done?
Picked up the sheet names in the VBE and then used:
to copy to a new workbook. Then copied the code module.![]()
Sheets(Array("...", "...", "...", ...)).Copy
Regards, TMS
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the workbook is protected so you can't change the windows
if at first you don't succeed try doing it the way your wife told you to
I was able to open it without any problem, and can edit all cells. In fact I deleted everything on every sheet - as a test - and had no problems either?
it's the workbook windows that are protected not the sheets (and not the file-open protection). see the protect workbook option on the review tab
aahh ok, told you my VBA sucks lol
no vba involved in this
My first impression of this problem was that the monitor did not fully refresh. If your computer has an AMD graphics adapter that allows you to over-clock the GPU and you have over-clocked, you can get incomplete screen refreshes if the conditions are just right....like a lot of formatting in your worksheet for example. If that is the case, just adjust the over-clocking back a bit. I haven't had this happen in Excel but did a couple of times with a graphics program.
I hope your worksheet "stays fixed".
Good luck.
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press the protect workbook button on the review tab then enter the password (trusting the op knows this) and press ok. the workbook windows will now be back to normal-this not a problem or bug but normal behavior :-)
yup I approved to that JP. The OP protected the window.
I think people forget the word "THANK YOU!!!!" Do you still know it???
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@JP: yes, I cracked the password and keyed it in. You were/are absolutely correct, as ever.
Must admit, I've never seen that sort of effect before. I'll know for the future
Regards, TMS
The password is orkney <-lowercase
You need to know that, not us ... well, not now. Follow JP's instructions and you should get your original workbook back. And you have the version that I provided that does not have workbook structure protection.
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