Dear members of Excel Forum,
I am currently trying to get my head around the following problem.
I would like to check the text in two columns and then return the corresponding cell in column 3.
Something like this:
Column A Column B Column C Column E Column F Column G Column H
Text 1 Text 2 23 Text 1 23 100 150
Text 3 Text 2 50 Text 3 50
Text 5 Text 4 75 Text 5 75
Text 1 Text 6 100
Text 1 Text 4 150
Any number in column F is conditional of text 2, any in Column G is text 6 and Column H is text 4 and so on
I have tried with this IF sentence in Column F, but I only got X :-). "=IF(A:A="TEXT 1",IF(B:B="TEXT 2",C:C,"X"),"X")"
Any suggestions is much appreciated
JCR 1968