I would like to add a date to one cell (say A6) and have this do two things:
#1) this would add "Closed" to a given cell such a A5.
#2) and this would add a color to a group of cells like A1 through A8.
Thank you
I would like to add a date to one cell (say A6) and have this do two things:
#1) this would add "Closed" to a given cell such a A5.
#2) and this would add a color to a group of cells like A1 through A8.
Thank you
Not exactly positive what you're trying to do here based on your description, but I'll take my best guess....
#1) sound like you need an if statements that would say something like...
#2) You need to apply conditional formatting. Highlight the range of cells that you would possibly want to be highlighted (A1:A8). This is on the home tab, click conditional formatting and then highlight cell rules. Click on new rule then "Use a formula to determine which cells to format". From there you can use a formula to decide whether or not to highlight cells (i.e. ="Closed"), and then apply whichever background color you want.
Hope this helps!
The first part (#1) worked perfect. I am having trouble with the second part (#2). I am unable to turn multiple cells grey when the selected cell turns "closed". Maybe I just do not know what command/formula to provide when prompted?
My apologies, didn't really explain it well on #2. For the formula type in =$A1="Closed"
That should work.
That is so awesome! It worked.
Thank you.
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