Hi everyone,
I am new here and in a bind trying to figure out and have found a lot of useful information here, just have not come across a solution for my issue. Hope I can explain this properly and any help is appreciated in advance.
I have several sheets with tables that need to contain one identical common column called "product name" while all the other columns are different on each table. The issue is that this list in the "product name" column changes by adding, removing and even name edits and currently I need to edit each every table for each change. How can I only have one uniform list to modify that is represented on all these tables that updates.
I have tried a master list with links but causes issues when a product name row is deleted in the master it does not delete the row in the others as well as adding a new name to the master list requires me to recreate a link in every table which defeats the purpose of it trying to save me time having to modify something different on every table. Also each of these lists are sorted or filtered often which I want to avoid being reflected across all of the other tables and lists.
Thank you for your time and help.
I can create a small example if necessary.