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List of names that needs to be identical and updated in different tables across sheets

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Neomores List of names that needs to... 05-02-2013, 02:53 PM
aydeegee Re: List of names that needs... 05-02-2013, 04:00 PM
FDibbins Re: List of names that needs... 05-02-2013, 04:09 PM
Neomores Re: List of names that needs... 05-02-2013, 05:24 PM
Neomores Re: List of names that needs... 05-02-2013, 05:32 PM
FDibbins Re: List of names that needs... 05-02-2013, 05:53 PM
Neomores Re: List of names that needs... 05-03-2013, 10:24 AM
FDibbins Re: List of names that needs... 05-07-2013, 06:23 PM
aydeegee Re: List of names that needs... 05-05-2013, 12:55 PM
Neomores Re: List of names that needs... 05-06-2013, 10:11 AM
aydeegee Re: List of names that needs... 05-06-2013, 03:36 PM
Neomores Re: List of names that needs... 05-06-2013, 06:48 PM
newdoverman Re: List of names that needs... 05-06-2013, 07:58 PM
aydeegee Re: List of names that needs... 05-07-2013, 03:54 AM
Neomores Re: List of names that needs... 05-07-2013, 10:00 AM
newdoverman Re: List of names that needs... 05-07-2013, 10:12 AM
aydeegee Re: List of names that needs... 05-07-2013, 06:04 PM
aydeegee Re: List of names that needs... 05-08-2013, 04:51 PM
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    List of names that needs to be identical and updated in different tables across sheets

    Hi everyone,
    I am new here and in a bind trying to figure out and have found a lot of useful information here, just have not come across a solution for my issue. Hope I can explain this properly and any help is appreciated in advance.

    I have several sheets with tables that need to contain one identical common column called "product name" while all the other columns are different on each table. The issue is that this list in the "product name" column changes by adding, removing and even name edits and currently I need to edit each every table for each change. How can I only have one uniform list to modify that is represented on all these tables that updates.

    I have tried a master list with links but causes issues when a product name row is deleted in the master it does not delete the row in the others as well as adding a new name to the master list requires me to recreate a link in every table which defeats the purpose of it trying to save me time having to modify something different on every table. Also each of these lists are sorted or filtered often which I want to avoid being reflected across all of the other tables and lists.

    Thank you for your time and help.

    I can create a small example if necessary.

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    Re: List of names that needs to be identical and updated in different tables across sheets

    We would really like to see a sample!


  3. #3
    Administrator FDibbins's Avatar
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    Re: List of names that needs to be identical and updated in different tables across sheets

    Hi and welcome to the forum

    1st, instead of deleting a row that you no longer need, delete teh contents instead
    2nd when you make your links, try is this way...

    This way, you can copy that wayyyy down, and if there is nothing in sheet2 then sheet1 will not show anything
    If you need to "remove" the rows you deleted the into in (1 above), you can eithetr hide that row, or sort your data

    If this doesnt do waht you want, let me know please (and why it doesnt work?)
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    Re: List of names that needs to be identical and updated in different tables across sheets

    Hello everyone,

    Thanks for all the quick responses, I have come up with a quick example and some text in it to describe things. Let me know if you have any questions.

    I uploaded it to my google docs page, here is the link


    not sure if you prefer a different source or anything.(just found the attachment ability but I will leave both sources available)

    Thanks again!

    Example spreadsheet.xlsx

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    Re: List of names that needs to be identical and updated in different tables across sheets

    Quote Originally Posted by FDibbins View Post
    Hi and welcome to the forum

    1st, instead of deleting a row that you no longer need, delete teh contents instead
    2nd when you make your links, try is this way...

    This way, you can copy that wayyyy down, and if there is nothing in sheet2 then sheet1 will not show anything
    If you need to "remove" the rows you deleted the into in (1 above), you can eithetr hide that row, or sort your data

    If this doesnt do waht you want, let me know please (and why it doesnt work?)
    Hi FDibbins,
    so with the links I have found that it could only work if I make a specific master list to reference as using any other table causes issues with filters and sorting being applied as it messes up the order of the others. Also by just deleting the contents in the product name would not clear the many other columns for each table or require some if statement as well. Though I wonder if a conditional filter or something could solve that by IF the product name in the row is blank then delete the field. Though hat would have to be configured for every other cell. Also that does not fix the issue of needing to create a row or expanding the table when a new name is added to another column as they would have to reapply the filters. Great thinking though, let me know what you think and when you get a chance to look over the basic sample I have posted


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    Administrator FDibbins's Avatar
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    Re: List of names that needs to be identical and updated in different tables across sheets

    OK I see what you have now. Consider sheet1 your "master" table, and make all changes to that 1.

    Copy this to sheet2 D6 and copy down. Repeat for sheet2...

    I restricted my ranges to 4:18, adjust these as needed

    This will also allow you to delete rows in sheet1

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    Re: List of names that needs to be identical and updated in different tables across sheets

    Hi FDibbins,

    Thanks for the response, I have tried the formula sent and it does not seem to delete with rows only change that one to match the next line creating a duplicate and it leaves the rest of the row information when then changes the order making the stats for product4 now for product 5 on different tables. Also the problem I have had with links is the filters really mess it up and I would have to link to a unique master list. This also does not address the issue of adding items without recreating the formula on every table. I was hoping their was some relationship that could be made between columns in tables or something that would help me with this.

    I the function of a pivot table pulling a set of rows from a source table is kind of the function I was looking for but I could not find a way to do this allowing me to create custom columns to the pivot table to enter text without linking to a source data. Not sure if that is clear, like putting a pivot table like thing with only the product list source data on each sheet table and then finding a way to add columns in it for the rest of the info. Hope that is explained properly, I can even post a sample of what I was trying with this or looking for to see if its possible.


  8. #8
    Administrator FDibbins's Avatar
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    Re: List of names that needs to be identical and updated in different tables across sheets

    Quote Originally Posted by FDibbins View Post
    Copy this to sheet2 D6 and copy down. Repeat for sheet2...

    I restricted my ranges to 4:18, adjust these as needed

    This will also allow you to delete rows in sheet1
    Just for the record, that was not meant to delete rows, it was meant to identify them and make it easier for YOU to delete them. There is no regular formula that will delete anything (rows/columns/cells). To actually remove the contents of cells, you need VBA for that, I was just showing you a simple way to do it semi-manually

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    Re: List of names that needs to be identical and updated in different tables across sheets

    Hi Kirt

    I'm not sure what you are trying to achieve (and don't worry - it's a problem I often have )

    I can understand that if a product is added to Table1 you want it to be added to the other 6(?) sheets. I also understand the same for deletions. However changing a Product Name is not possible unless you have a Product reference (if Product1 becomes Product1a how will Table2 know that 1a replaces 1, raher than being a new product?)

    Are you just interested in the Product name being kept in line with table1 or will there be other columns from Table1 that need to be updated (eg on Table 6 or whatever).

    Finally - how many products are you dealing with?

    Not sure if I can help, but certain I can't until I get my head round these questions!


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    Re: List of names that needs to be identical and updated in different tables across sheets

    Hi Alastair,

    Yea it is not simple to initially explain, hopefully I can answer your questions properly to help. Yes you have the first part about adding and deleting that it needs to reflect through all the sheets. This does not specifically happen on table 1 as it can be done on a master list of some kind of wherever, as it does not matter as I can modify from any sheet.

    You are right about the part I need to figure out what to do if product1 becomes product1A and how will the sheets know the change occured. You said this would not be possible without a "product reference" which is it possible to make something like that to a single list while still keeping all the other needs.

    "Are you just interested in the Product name being kept in line with table1 or will there be other columns from Table1 that need to be updated (eg on Table 6 or whatever)."
    - This is the reason when removing a product I am deleting the whole row as since the product name is no longer needed the other information referencing that product in the same row is no longer needed on any sheet. If the name changes then no, nothing changes in any of the other columns on any sheet.

    I am working with a current list of about 350-450 "products" that changes as I get updated lists or information.
    I currently have one sheet with 40 columns, another with 21 columns and a third with much less all different and referencing the products in their own way and needing to be updated each time the name gets changed/removed/added. We would like to split up the 40 column table for another sheet but would continue to add much more work at keeping the product name list current and accurate on 4 sheets.

    Let me know if you have any other questions and if this helps you better wrap your head around the challenge. Thanks again

    EDIT: Originally I was trying to figure out if I could create a pivot table that referenced the product name and then add columns to that pivot table without it referencing somewhere else which should provided what is needed as if the product list names change in anyway they will reflect properly but I do not know if it is possible to create something like that. Also I was reading about table relationships and such but did not know if that was something that could address this problem.
    Last edited by Neomores; 05-06-2013 at 10:23 AM.

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    Re: List of names that needs to be identical and updated in different tables across sheets

    Hi Kirt

    Thanks for the update. I am assuming (I like to live dangerously!) that there is some good reason why you have to have separate sheets, rather than just one sheet with different views available to different people.

    You make reference to 3 sheets (40, 21 and "less" columns) with the possibility of the 40 being split. Other than the name, is there any other commonality between the sheets or is the data in the 39, 20 and less-minus-1 all different? (I ask because if there is some commonality, will you require any alterations on (say) 21 to be reflected in the other 2 (or 3) sheets?

    A workable way to do all this is to have a master sheet containing all columns, with a macro to update the other sheets when any change is made. Having a Product ID (which never changes) will considerably ease Product Name alterations, but if you insist on making things difficult, it can be achieved without a Product ID.

    If a Master sheet is not possible, there are other possibilities to explore.

    As I do not know to what use the data is being put, it may well be that a pivot table is a viable way forward. Are you aware that pivot tables can get data from different worksheets? Not something I have done to any great extent, but just so that you are aware.

    You are way ahead of me with "table relationships" - I have not heard of this concept, but guess what I am about to Google?

    Look forward to hearing from you.


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    Re: List of names that needs to be identical and updated in different tables across sheets

    Hi Alastair,

    Other than the product name their are no other columns that are in relation to other tabs at all, so no this column minus another type thing. I can safely say almost every column is general data and text that holds no value for calculations. It is just how the data is laid out and the sheets are used. One other column exists in all the tables beside the product name and that is a priority value which is just a number from 1-3 it is minimal concern, does not change unless a product is added or removed and sadly cannot provide a unique value per item to better associate with name changes. The other column is a name for the person responsible for the product and this also does not change per item and I do not care if it can be transferred or not as it is not important but also cannot distinguish the items. A product ID number or some sorting system would be great but other than specifically assigning ones for each item and keeping track of that it is not something available other than just using the name. Yes the information on each table in each sheet is unique and having different purposes and the information is all manually entered in by various people. at different times and referenced.

    A master list is possible as I can easily create an extra tab to manage that but I am not sure if macros can take care of all I need and positive I do not know how to do it if it is possible. I am aware of pivot tables being able to pull from multiple sheets but sadly I do not want to consolidate information from many tables of information but use one table of information as the basis for more.

    I had seen about table references online for 2013 with powerpivot or power something for excel, I was reading about it but was a little over my head on trying to figure out how if at all it could really help my problem other than a relationship between my tables was an idea of what I needed

  13. #13
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    Re: List of names that needs to be identical and updated in different tables across sheets

    Here is a possible partial solution that might be of interest. I moved the tables on Table2 and Table3 so that the upper left of all the tables were located at C3. I then extended the tables on Table2 and Table3 to go to row 50. Any row would be ok. This is just to allow for the expansion of the table on Table1. As the table on Table1 is extended with data, the other tables will automatically be extended.

    The formula that I entered in the first column of the tables on Table2 and Table3 is:

    Formula: copy to clipboard

    Copy this formula down to the bottom row of the tables on Table2 and Table3. Now, whatever edits you make in column C of the table on Table1, the same edit will be carried over to the other tables with the exception of deleting a cell or inserting a cell in column C. If you change a product name, that name will be changed in the other tables. If you add a name to the table in Table1, that name will be added to the other tables.

    If you delete the contents (not the cell) of a cell in column C, the same cell in column C of the other tables will also be deleted.
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    Re: List of names that needs to be identical and updated in different tables across sheets

    Hi Kirt

    newdoverman's solution works ok , but does not cope well with people sorting table2 onward. Also, If something is deleted from table1, the Product Name is deleted from the other sheets, but not the other sheet's details.

    Are you happy wit these restrictions, or do we need to go further?


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    Re: List of names that needs to be identical and updated in different tables across sheets

    Hi Alastair and new doverman,

    The biggest issue with the solution that makes it not usable is the sorting problem. each table will be frequently sorted based on the owner name, priority tier and alphabetically for the product name which seems it just goes all wacky with the other columns. It is a great effort though, I guess I will just continue to do things the way I have and hope one day to come across a feature that can meet my needs. Thanks again for all your effort and help


  16. #16
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    Re: List of names that needs to be identical and updated in different tables across sheets

    Personally, I would not use Excel for this kind of problem at all. A relational database is the way to go seeing that there is a common field for all the tables.

    Sure, one can "hammer" Excel into doing what is asked but it certainly isn't the best way.

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    Re: List of names that needs to be identical and updated in different tables across sheets

    Hi Kirt

    You should not have too long to wait for something that meets your needs. I am working on a system that identifies changes and additions to each sheet and updates all other sheets. It is mainly based on a macro. Its biggest limitation is it gives no warning if sheet 2 and sheet 3 are changed. (I have to leave something for the MK2 modification)

    Unfortunately, having got quite some way into it, I decided to change track so I have now run out of time, but I will get this cracked sometime this week (my day job gets in the way of my creative work!)

    I understand where newdoverman is coming from, but I do not believe that I am "hammering" excel - more like giving it some real work to do .

    I will get back to you as soon as I can


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    Re: List of names that needs to be identical and updated in different tables across sheets

    Hi Kirt

    Here is the first draft. There is no Master sheet and no Product IDs. I have set Product2 for deletion in Table 1, Amended Product 7 in Table2 and added a new Product15 in Table3.

    The system will delete lines, but for testing purposes, I have merely highlighted the deletions

    Needs tightening up in places, but is this something worth progressing or just something that works as an academic excercise but not for use in the real world?

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