Here is a possible partial solution that might be of interest. I moved the tables on Table2 and Table3 so that the upper left of all the tables were located at C3. I then extended the tables on Table2 and Table3 to go to row 50. Any row would be ok. This is just to allow for the expansion of the table on Table1. As the table on Table1 is extended with data, the other tables will automatically be extended.
The formula that I entered in the first column of the tables on Table2 and Table3 is:
Copy this formula down to the bottom row of the tables on Table2 and Table3. Now, whatever edits you make in column C of the table on Table1, the same edit will be carried over to the other tables with the exception of deleting a cell or inserting a cell in column C. If you change a product name, that name will be changed in the other tables. If you add a name to the table in Table1, that name will be added to the other tables.
If you delete the contents (not the cell) of a cell in column C, the same cell in column C of the other tables will also be deleted.