There are several aspects that affect whether you even can [fully accurately] achieve this on any individual file. Some of the factors (I'll try to think of others):
- If the .PDF source is an optical scan, you are at the mercy of OCR.
- In my understanding, if the .PDF recognizes numbers as being in tables, you might get 100% success there; but if not a "table" chances diminish.
- The presence or not of commas may affect your results.

I have had very mixed success considering the above factors so, while it's a downer, wanted to warn this up front.

How to do it:
- Scrape 'n' paste
- Export from Adobe
- 3rd party PDF-to-Excel

Both of the first two have been highly erratic in my experience. Often it seems that manually typing in the data would have been easier than cleaning up the errors.

Export is dependent on Adobe version.

I haven't tried all 3rd party products but in trials still haven't achieved 100% accurate translation. You can google for reviews of these. Here are some to try -

Note: Adobe Version XI claims to work ( )
I haven't tried it.

I'd be interested if you hit a home run on a 3rd party solution. It would be a huge timesaver if one of the utilities works well.