I'm really not sure exactly how to explain this, but I'll try. I have a workbook with multiple sheets in it. One sheet is an Overview sheet, and the others represent the months (JAN, FEB, MAR, etc). On the Overview sheet, I have a few columns of data set up that I need to retrieve from the various sheets within the workbook. The thing is, this data can occur more than once on any particular sheet and it's very likely to occur multiple times throughout the workbook. For example, compressor #1 was blown down on January 1, January 15, February 5, February 9, February 12, April 22, and so on. Compressors 2-5 were also blown down multiple times throughout the year, as well as various other equipment that I have listed out throughout the numerous monthly tabs. On the Overview sheet, I have the columns Equipment, Date, Temp, Begin PSIG and MCF Loss. I'm needing to get the information from those tabs into these columns.
I first tried a simple VLOOKUP. After all, it's worked for so many situations similar to this, why wouldn't it work here? I quickly found that it won't work here because I need to return multiple results, not just the first one it comes across.
Next, I tried a little Googling and on numerous websites I found an array formula. I got pretty close this time, and I feel like I'm onto something. But when I copy the formula down it seems to return the same results in every cell, not the next result, and the next, and the next, and so on.
Like I wasn't sure how to explain the issue so I hope I didn't leave you all scratching your heads. But if I did, let me know what kind of crucial details you might need to know.
My example spreadsheet is below.
Attachment 230355