I prefer bigger raw height, all cells center aligned, Wrap text activated for all cells, etc.
What can i do to change default settings so that every new sheet/book opens with these kind of settings ?
Checked google also. It suggested opening a new workbook, making changes and saving file as 'BOOK' with file type as 'excel template' in 'XLSTART' folder.
I made changes in a new blank workbook. But could not find 'Excel Template' as file type in drop down list. So, named file as 'BOOK.XLTX' selecting file type as 'excel workbook' and saved in XLSTART folder.
When i open a new excel file now, it opens 'BOOK.XLTX' file with new settings in one sheet and a new 'Microsft excel workbook' with regular settings.
Is there any other way to do this ? Did i erred somewhere ? Why 'Excel Template' is not visible in drop down list ?
Hope to get a solution.