My goal: To have a workbook that summarizes worksheets that are completed by vendors outside my organization. I'm trying to set this up for a large number of projects and have other users in my organization use this so I want to simplify the process.
My problem: When I copy the worksheets from the vendors into my workbook the duplicate name causes the worksheet to be appended with a number, e.g. (tabname 02). I tried deleting the blank worksheet and renaming the one copied in but I lose the reference link in my summary worksheet.
My workarounds: Use the "Find/Replace" feature to "repath" the worksheet name and then delete the blank worksheet but I find that inelegant and cumbersome. I have also tried to use the name function to assign a variable to the worksheet name but it doesn't seem to work. Does anyone have suggestions on how to accomplish this more easily. Or, is there a better way to create a summary sheet that reads a number of other files.