Hi, quick intro - I've been using excel for many many years and done most things on it - but every now and then it throws up something new and frustrating as in this case.

I've got a relatively straightforward spreadsheet. It is effectively a database collecting sales information by sales person.

At the top of the spreadsheet is the summary section which uses simple "sumif" formulas to summarise the sales data held in the database immediately below it into summary sales info by sales person.

on today's clean form - if you type in the salesman (say "Chris") into the first data field (A14) and press return, the sumif formulas are automatically copies down from the row (row 13) above into G14 and H14.

There is no reason for it to do this, the sale data is input manually by the team leader throughout the day.

So the columns across the top of the spreadsheet start with sales person, then static data like; "customer number", "name", then columns of sales data (for example)"status", "sales", "commission" then there is a total column adding the sales and commision then a series of columns analysing the total figure into the different "status" options - so "if" the status equals the column header, such as active or pending or cancelled, then it is included in that column.

As I said, at the top of the page is the summary which adds up all the individual sales, commision and totals by salesman.

Its worked fine for months but now when you start to enter the salesmans name, it picks it up from the summary column above (as you would expect in a list) and when you press return, it automatically populated two empty cells with formula for the row above - its almost as it the row is linked, but they are not.

Anyone experienced anything like this before and what did you do?