If I understand you correctly, you have an 11 x 13 grid
One row of 13 headings: Name, Jan, Feb....Dec
One column of 10 names: Alpha, Bravo, Charlie...Juliet
and numbers at the intersections of months and names
If that's true...try this:
• Type these keys: ALT D P
• Select: Multiple consolidation ranges....Click: Next
• Check: I will create page fields.........Click: Next
• Select the grid cells...Click: Add.......Click: Next...Click: Finish
On the pivot table page:
• Drag Row off the Row Labels section
• Drag Column off the Column Labels section
• Double-click the only number in the resulting pivot table.
The end result will have this structure:
• Rename ROW to Name
• Rename COLUMN to Month
Is that something you can work with?