I have a daily schedule for two weeks. Each day, a person starts in the morning, another one mid morning and another one at night. I want to track to make sure to make sure that there is at least one person is working, for example if I have the morning person scheduled from 9-3 and the next person scheduled from 3:30-9, a certain cell will either change color or any other way of telling me that the shift is broken, i.e. there is no one scheduled from 3-3:30.
My spreadsheet times are in the 24hour format with a start time and an end time. A sample of my spreadsheet is below:
EMPLOYEE Jan1 Jan 2 ... total hours worked per employee total wages paid per employee Tom 8-4 8-4 ... xxx hrs $xxx Bob 3-6 6-10 ... xxx hrs $xxx ... ... ... ... ... ... daily total hours ... ... ... ... ... daily total wage $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$
The reason for this spreadsheet is that I work with mostly seniors that only able to work a few hours a day and not the same hours everyday. This way when I schedule them with all the short shifts I want to make sure there is somebody at their post at all time.
Thanks in advance.