I have a drop down list (list of flyers: i.e. A4 handout) B3 and I want this to populate cell C3 with the number of stock (i.e 100). e.g. flyer 1 (in b3) once selected should result in 100 appearing in C3. I've created a table of data to read from but I also need C3 to contain "0" if B3 is left blank.
I have tried using the formula =if(Isnumber(match,A1,$X$1:$X$100,0)),Vlookup(A1,$X$1:$Y$100,2,False),"") as I saw this fixed a similar problem for someone else, but this is returning as invalid.
I've used the info from the below link and I've tried using nested IF statements. I've attempted to use VBA but I am a novice to it and I couldn't get it to correctly input my IF-THEN-ELSE statement.
Any help would be much appreciated.