Here's what I need: A printed directory of all my clients in order by type. (Accountant, Legal Adviser, etc.). I want it to look like a professional directory and will need to create a cover page 'ad spaces' and notes for each section. I would typically create this in Publisher or Photoshop, but this resource is constantly updated and it is too time consuming to update these individually every month. The list of clients needs to be in alphabetical order for each type.
Here's a general idea of how I want the information to look
1st listing Name (First Last) - Bold
Company Name - Bold
Address, City Name, State Zip
Website|email address
Phone number
Short description - italic
2nd listing Name (First Last) - Bold
Company Name - Bold
Address, City Name, State Zip
Website|email address
Phone number
Short description - italic
etc, till the end of the page. I envision this going up to 4 columns on a 11 x 17 page of paper, folded in half, printed on 2 sides with cover page.
Here's what I have: a simple excel worksheet with all the information listed in the rows below each column title, like this:
Company | First Name| Last Name| Type of Client| Email| Phone Number | Street Address | City | State | Zip | Website | Description|
Here's what I think it's called and have googled: dynamic catalog/ dynamic directory. - I cannot program java, but there are lots of programs out there that sound great.
Here's my knowledge base of excel: I can do the simple stuff, and it's been over 10 years since I've done or attempted any macros - which I think I learned by accident anyway. I can learn almost anything if I put my mind to it, but I have not had any need for advanced use of excel, so I have had no need to learn or practice the few advanced moves I have learned.
Mail Merge has not worked because it repeats the same name with in that catalog in Publisher or Word, unless there is a trick I am missing.
Please help. Thank you.![]()