I would like to make a kind of a dictionary to help my studies. On the first worksheet I would like to have cells A-word, B-definition, C-name of group of synonyms it belongs to, D-synonyms. On the second sheet I would like to have columns A - name of the group and B - the synonyms. I would like to choose the group name on the first page from a drop down list and I want to have a formula for cell B on Sheet2, which would choose only the relevant cells from Sheet1 column A and show them there. If the SUMIF function worked with text, the formula would have looked like this =SUMIF(Sheet1!C1:C1000, "Animals", Sheet1!A1:A1000). I would be very grateful if anyone could advise me on how to do it with text. I think the formula that works with text is called "concatenate", but I can't figure out a way to use it for this purpose.