I am having some problems getting numbers to stay formatted as text and be displayed correctly.
We price products using a pricing tool which exports the results to Excel.
The file is then saved to .xls format; Workbook Attached
When opening these files for editing, we are seeing the barcode numbers as;
7.43216E+11 So we change to Cell Format to Text, but the displayed numbers do not change. The numbers do show in the function bar as digits, but not in the cell.
The only way I can have them display as digits is by formatting to Fraction?! Which seems odd, but then we loose any that start with one or two Zeroes so we’re ending up with 11 or 12 digit numbers when all of the barcode numbers will be 12 or 13 digits long.
Can anyone help or advise?
Opening in Excel 2010. Files exported to, and saved as xls in Excel 2002. (Compatibility mode problem?)
Thanks in advance for any assistance