What is the advantage of A1 or R1C1 Notation, R1C1 style is it making the macro speedy or same. i will try to learn if it makes the macro speed. i am interested to know A1 is speedy or R1C1 is speedy for base one macro.

In Cell A1 Formula R1C1 Formula 
A1 =B2 =R[1]C[1] 
A2 =B2+1 =RC[1]+1 
A3 =A2+1 =R[-1]C+1 
B4 =$A$3+1 =R3C1+1 
C5 =B$4+1 =R4C[-1]+1 
D6 =$C5+1 =R[-1]C3+1 
A6 =SUM(A1:A5) =SUM(R[-5]C:R[-1]C)