R1C1 notation makes it easier to place formula by macros, as it saves you constantly having to recalculate the addresses.
For example, if I want to make the cells in A1:A10 contain a formula pointing one cell to the right of them then with 'normal' notation I could do something like this:
Dim rngLoop As Range
For Each rngLoop In Range("A1:A10").Cells
rngLoop.Formula = "=" & rngLoop.Offset(0,1).Address
Next rngLoop
whereas with R1C1 notation I can do it in one step:
Range("A1:A10").FormulaR1C1 = "=RC[1]"
Edited to add: Actually, that was a really bad example, as you can do the same thing with standard notation. I will think of a better answer, really.