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ok the long way, you have to create a new line of data with and if function similar to this =IF(AND(D$1>0,D6=$A6),$D$38,IF(AND(D$2>1,D6=$A6),$D$39,IF(AND(D$3>1,D6=$A6),$D$40,D41))) i did it using your time schedule as a reference. then you have to conditionally format the first cell to match with a formula like this =AND(D6="george",Y6="needed outside") then when you type in a name it will turn the color you want, you have to add a number to each formula like for cell d7 you would want d1 to be greater than 1 not zero. you would also have to create a new conditional format for each catagory i.e. needed outside, needed in office, etc., then because you email it you would want to lock the cells and hide them using just a format change to text color to white. this is very long form, I am working on an easy VBA code for you. I will see if I can get it debugged tomorrow night. let me know if you have questions.