Hello everyone,

My name is Muhammad. I am a student and currently undertaking a thesis regarding the impact of Mergers and Acquisitions announcement on shareholders wealth. In the study, I have to conduct an event study via market model through which I have to calculate Abnormal returns and then run the statistical tests. Unfortunately, my supervisor is not that co-operative . I have already failed my thesis once and this is my last chance. A lot of my money and most importantly my time is invested and I will appreciate all of you and your advices a lot. After a lengthy research I do managed to find out how to calculate the abnormal return and cumulative abnormal return and stuff. Problem I am facing is going through the statistics. I don't even know what's the purpose of it and how to perform these statistics via excel. What data do we need and after the solution what does the answer mean and how do I explain those solved figures which I will be getting on Excel via your help. I do understand some of the professionals and graduates might think this question as very basic but Guys, this is serious. I am stuck and I need your help. Please please help.