Hi guys this is my first time on the forum and hopefully you can help me here.

I have created a simple spread sheet for my girlfriend's workplace. Is it basically a list of shop branches showing the weekly takings .etc. the last few cells in each row have some simple formulas and conditional formatted colour schemes to automatically calculate such things as percentages and totals .etc for the weekly takings of each branch.

Once the values in the main body have been entered she requires the whole list to be sorted into decending order based on column Z.

This is all simple to do with the sort command after selecting the appropriate rows. However the problem comes when the people in the different branches using this chart aren't quite as 'computer minded' as some and every now and again they keep removing the forumlas accidentally in the end cells. I can lock the formula cells and protect the sheet to stop any tinkering of the formulas but this then stops the ability to sort the rows into accending order because the rows are no longer selectable due to the locked cells.

So is there any work around for me here? I need to lock some cells but still have the capability of sorting the rows into decending order based on a particular collumn?

Is there any hope?

Thanks very much for your time.
