I would like to be able to create a reactive, searchable database. I have data that will be broken down into two divisions: Origin and Destination States. I would like to type in an Origin State, then a Destination State, and then have the document provide results for matching data. For example, if company 1 is in the origin state, but not destination state, its data will not be shown in the search result. However, if company 2 is listed in both the Origin State and Destination State, its data will be listed. Any suggestions?
Addition - Attached is a small example of the worksheet that I would like to create. In the "SEARCH" tab, I would like to enter the Origin and Destination States. Ideally, the search would yield all appropriate matches. In this example, if I entered Alabama as the Orign State, and Arizona as the destination, the search would provide the following match:
H&M Bay
Refrigerated Express
Thank you!