I have two spead sheets one named "2nd" and one named "sheet 1". on the first sheet which is named 2nd I have a list of names in column A and in column C I have a letter: "D"= which mean day shift "E"= mean evenign shift and "N"= which means night shift. on the second sheet" sheet 1" I would like it to read column C in speed sheet "2nd" and if column C has a "D" I would like it to push out the name that is in column A in speed "2nd". Now I here is the formula that I am using to do that: = IF('2nd'!C:C= "D", '2nd'!A:A) This forumla is doing what I want it to do but every time it reads a column that does not have a "D" it continues to push out the word "False". I would like it to skip to the next row and continue reading the rows until it finds a nother "D". I do not want any blank row in "sheet 1" how do I do this. I have attached my excel document so that you can understand what I am saying.
Thanks for your help,