Hello. I'm new to using sumproducts and I have a few question. I used the following formula (from a how to website on the use of sumproduct) to find a count of Ford cars with an "A" rating:
=SUMPRODUCT((A9:A20="Ford")*(B9:B20="A")*(C9:C20)) on the table below. Question 1) Couldn't I just use a sumifs formula? 2) Why do I need to use the double parentheses after sumproduct? 3) How does the formula know to multiply the third condition (C9:C20) by the previous conditions? Thank you![]()
Ford B 3
Vauxhall C 4
Ford A 2
Ford A 1
Ford D 4
Ford A 3
Ford A 2
Renault A 8
Ford A 6
Ford A 8
Ford A 7
Ford A 6