hey all,
I need help, i would be really happy if you guys can help me.
I got 2 sheets 1 contains service names in 1 column, and on my other sheet i have service names and their corresponding groups. my problems is, on the first worksheet in the same row there are sometimes more than 1 service name. let me show you, This is sheet1
1 ali, ahmet, mehmet, hasan
2 hasan, ali, ahmet
3 ekin, hakan
4 ahmet
5 hakan
This is sheet 2
ali Tier1
ahmet Tier1
ekin Tier1
hasan Tier2
What i want is: if in sheet1 row contains tier1 service i want that to be recorded on the columnB. I cant use vlookup because datas are seperated with commas.Worksheet is very long and sometimes there is like +50 services in a row in sheet1. row 3 should have tier 1 on column B since ekin is tier1. etc, etc.
Thanks alot