Hello everyone,
I have sales volumes for a particular year. Usually I look at 2 groupings of months due to my fiscal year changes. So for example, I'll want to look at Jan-Mar and Apr-Dec for a particular year. Lets say I have sales volume in units. I want to be able to quickly change volumes by selecting 2 months and having excel automatically calculate the volumes between and including those two months.
Let's say for some reason, I want to change it to Jan-Apr instead, so the remaining year is May-Dec. The way I envision it is to maybe have two dropdowns for months, I'd pull one down to Jan, then pull the other down to Apr, and it would lookup the values on the table for Jan, Feb, Mar, and Apr and sum those up.
Again, it may be the incorrect way, and dropdowns may be a dumb way to do it, it's just what I envision at this time. Also, I'm not looking to do the work for me, I'm just looking for your advice on a general approach. Certainly if you have built something in the past or have a previous post that is useful, I'd appreciate it.
Thank you as always.