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Look up across several columns (same row), and return value in another cell

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    Look up across several columns (same row), and return value in another cell


    I am trying to look up values in say 5 columns of each row, if the values are the same in each column, return that value to another cell.
    If the values are not the same, return a special character like "*"

    1.Look up a name in Sheet1, A2, in Sheet2 cells A2,B2,C2,D2,E2
    2. If the values in A2,B2,C2...are the same, return that value to Sheet 1, cell B2
    3. If the vlaues are different, return "*" in Sheet 1 B2

    Basically, I'm looking up names in Sheet1, and looking for the point values in Sheet2, so that if they are all the same, I'll have that number returned to Sheet1 or a "*" to denote that the points are not the same.

    Thank you for any help on this.

    Last edited by Dannypak; 12-13-2012 at 03:19 PM. Reason: Solved!!

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