Hello evryone, I'm a new member in need of some help.
I'm a birder and keep many lists of the bird species I have seen. One of my lists is a spreadsheet (in Excel 2010) containing an entry for each of the birding trips I've been on. On this list I enter things such as date, location, county, number of species seen that day and so on. I also enter the total number of species seen for; 1) the year, 2) the county I was birding in and 3) my lifetime. Next to each of the three total columns is the percentage of the total seen on that particular day. Because the list is ordered chronologically and I bird in more than one county I have several entries for my home county seperated by entries for other counties. When I see a new species in my home county I have to either make multiple entries to update the total or I have to sort the county column to group all the rows for home county, update the column, then resort by date to put the list back in order. I need to find out if there is a way to link the county column with the county total column so that the total column will automatically update whenever I change the total on any line for that county.
Thanx in advance for any assistance.