I handle weekly reports that use a variety of formats for dates and names since they're generated by different databases/departments/etc.
Every week, I have to go into each and manually change various columns' formats so they all match before I can start inputting the formulas I need for each metric.
So, two questions here, actually;
1. I'm guessing the answer here is no, but can I have a specific cell format style applied to each workbook I need to work on for the week without opening each on individually and using the Cell Format dialogue box on every column that needs to change? ie, "mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss" -> "mm/dd/yy", for only columns A and C, etc.
2. The other issue I have with these is some sheets have names without spaces after commas, while some use the space. I've been splitting the name column and then using CONCATENATE to merge them again with the space included for entries without the space. Is this the fastest way to do this, or is there a formatting option I'm not aware of that can be quickly copied across files easily?
For each individual workbook I update, this whole process only takes a couple minutes, but when I have to do it 20+ times in a day, finding a way to further automate the process would be nice. Will attach a sample workbook if necessary, but since there are a lot of different format changes needed across many files, even pointing me in the right direction should a better way to do this exists would probably be sufficient.