Good Afternoon,
I am working on a new product development project and i am trying to resource plan across over 200 projects.
I am using an access project management system that produces a table (resource_report tab on attachment)
This table shows projects down the left and dates by week across the top. then next to corresponding dates it shows hours required for milestone. Each milestone is 6 hours work but within a 3 week leadtime starting from the week the value appears, so effectively can be done at any time within that 3 week period.
the second tab on the attachment i would like to be populated automatically from the resource_report, the problem i have is that there is only capacity for 18 hours per day, therefore any projects on the same day would need to automatically resource levelling. into the third tab which is a calendar for visability of these projects.
i have used a template i got from this site but it is not fulfilling all of my requirements.
i have attached my document.
i've got my fingers crossed :-)