
I have created a line chart from data that’s structured as follows:

The dates for the horizontal axis are in B55:AH55

The labels for each line item are in A58:A63

The numerical data to be plotted on the line chart is in rows 58 to 63 (B58:AH63)

The data plots ok but the date labels on the horizontal axis come through as the first day of each month (e.g. 01/02/2010 for 1 February) even though the dates from which they read in B55:AH55 are for the last day of each month (e.g. 28/02/2010).

When I look at the Format Axis option, the Min and Max options are both set to the first day of the month. Even when I select the Fixed option and change the dates to the last day of the month, the dates on the horizontal axis are still those for the first day of each month. Both the Major and Minor units are set to 1 month, and he Base unit is Fixed at months.

Can someone please suggest what changes I need to make to get the last dates of each month on the horizontal axis?
